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TRE®, Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
Imagine for a moment that you have the innate capacity in your body to heal just about any ailment you could experience, be it physical, emotional, mental, or relational/social.
What if you had a simple body-based technique that could allow your body to communicate with itself to allow this natural healing process to occur?
Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE®) is a simple yet innovative series of exercises and stretches that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance and harmony.
Benefits Can Include
- Less Worry & Anxiety
- Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
- More Energy, Greater Endurance, & Increased Flexibility
- Improved Relationships
- Less Familial & Workplace Stress
- Better Sleep
- Reduced Muscle Tension & Back Pain
- Greater Emotional Resiliency
- Decreases Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma
- Healing of Old Injuries
- Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Meet the Creator of TRE®
David Berceli, Ph.D. is an international expert in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution. He is the creator of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®). This revolutionary technique is designed to help release the deep tension created in the body during a traumatic experience or through chronic stress. He is also the energetic and creative founder and CEO of Trauma Recovery Services.
Dave has spent two decades living and working in nine countries providing trauma relief workshops and designing recovery programs for international organizations around the world. He has lived and worked extensively in Israel/Palestine, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Yemen, Egypt, and Lebanon. He is fluent in English and Arabic.
David is unique in that he holds a solid academic and experiential grounding in psychotherapy and therapeutic body-work. He integrates that with a keen understanding of the intertwining dynamics of religion and ethnic customs. This combination has allowed him to develop unique and specific processes that enable people from all parts of the world manage and move beyond personal trauma as well as bring healing and reconciliation between diverse groups.
Find Relief in TRE®
Whether you experience chronic stress, bodily tension, anxiety, depression, or any other challenge in mind or body, TRE® can support your body and nervous system to restore “autonomic balance.”
TRE®, or “Trauma Releasing Exercises,” is an innovative mind-body balancing technique created by neurobiological genius Dr. David Berceli that allows your brain stem to access deepened communication to your body through the activation and release of your psoas muscle. This innovative process creates the capacity to self-balance the nervous system automatically.
Have you ever noticed that your body shakes when you feel scared? Or perhaps after an accident or intense disagreement your mind can’t seem to find peace and quiet? These are examples of the nervous system shifting into heightened arousal, creating body adaptations to manage dangers and threats, whether they are real or imagined. Sometimes our reactions to events or comments from loved ones or friends are unwarranted and appear to be “overreacting” considering what was actually said. After the fact, you ought notice that you were “out of line.” It happens to the best of us; were only human! What do all these experiences have in common?
When the nervous system shifts from the “social engagement circuit,” or “neurological safety,” into the”fight or flight” response, your mind and body a longer effectively use rational/cognitive thought, and the body gears up for a fight or to run away from the threat…OR, in extreme cases, it immobilizes you, creating an opportunity to “play dead” in order to have the threat potentially pass you by.
Whether you experience chronic anger, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, racing thoughts, chronic tension and/or pain in your muscles, or a number of other disorders, it’s simply your nervous system perceiving a threat that may or may not actually be there, and it’s not your fault! Your unconscious mind and “autonomic nervous system” create these conditions in the mind and body as adaptations that may likely have been “learned” as early as infancy, or even in utero to “survive.” But if you are aware that your survival isn’t actually threatened anymore, your body may likely need support to “catch up” to that reality. Have you ever noticed that in intimate relationships you get a little less rational?
Good news! That’s not only normal, but shifting the balance of your nervous system to reside in “safety mode” can be accomplished by allowing it to release that tension stored in the body tissues through the tremor mechanism.
TRE® is a series of simple, easy-to-learn exercises that allow the body to “shake off” tension naturally, just like animals do when they shake during a thunderstorm. Science now shows that this is the body’s natural way of restoring balance!
Perhaps you feel stressed all the time, or cannot get restorative sleep, TRE® can support your body to effectively regain balance and restore your natural capacity to adapt to life’s stresses as they arise. Even the US military has begun using TRE® to support not only minimizing the effects of PTSD, but as a simple and easy way to “shake off” tension in the muscles after a strength training workout as a “cool-down.”
Whatever your challenge in life, physiological or psychological, the improved flow of neurological communication in your body from a regular practice of TRE® allows you to restore your mind and body into balance and harmony again!
Contact Us
Feel free to fill out your information in ‘Contact Us’ if you’d like to schedule a Complimentary Call to see how TRE® can support your overall health & well-being.
Also, feel free to join our supportive online community @ Thrive NOW with Holistic Fitness Lifestyle on Facebook.
To join our weekly open TRE® class, visit:
To schedule a 1-on-1 Introduction to TRE® session, please contact us today to receive $40.00 off of your first session and pay only $80.00. (Session are 75 minutes, $120.00)
For more information on TRE®, please visit www.traumaprevention.com.
What is Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE®)?
The therapeutic muscle tremors evoked by the TRE® exercise process is a natural, internal, neuro-physiological response of the body to reduce its own stress and restore a sense of well-being.
➤ TRE® is a body based process which, when done properly, through a Certified TRE® Provider can allow the individual to discharge tension from the body, which often does not require “revisiting the story”. (ie: verbally describing or talking about the traumatic experience)
➤ TRE® is designed to be a self-help tool that once learned, can be used as needed, throughout one’s life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wholeness.
➤ TRE® can be taught as either a simple self-help, tension reduction technique in a physical exercise program OR it can be used as an effective complementary practice when integrated with other treatment modalities by those in the healing professions, including the treatment of PTSD and anxiety disorder recovery.
➤ TRE® can be taught in very large groups for communities that have experienced mass trauma.
➤ TRE® promotes cohesiveness and openness between participants and can be a helpful tool for dispute resolution. (ie: interpersonal, corporate and political communication)
➤ TRE® can cross culture and language barriers because it is based on natural physiological responses shared by all human beings.
Why does TRE® make people feel better?
The exercises activate a shaking mechanism, which causes the muscles to relax. Relaxing tense muscle patterns can often reduce stress in the spine, neck, shoulders and pelvis. When tension is released anywhere in the body, the brain registers a reduction in pain signals, producing new hormones that promotes healing.
Why is TRE® a wonderful tool for everyday stress, anxiety or trauma?
These unique and simple exercises activate an involuntary shaking in the muscles. Therefore, an individual does not use the conscious control of their body or brain that most relaxation techniques rely upon. TRE® taps the unconscious part of the brain so one can actually watch TV or listen to music and allow the shaking do all the work.
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Nunc nec eros nec lectus tincidunt lobortis. Quisque pellentesque ac magna et mattis. Duis quis suscipit libero. Ut feugiat odio ante, ac ultricies nunc semper sed. Aliquam in faucibus velit. Praesent at tempus dui, sed porta lacus.
Sed vulputate, ipsum et euismod efficitur, orci elit porttitor magna, non feugiat enim turpis eget lacus. Vivamus sit amet urna et erat sodales dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus eu interdum elit.
Sed efficitur ante ipsum, ut euismod erat efficitur vel. Aenean malesuada neque ut tellus condimentum, in dignissim est interdum. Aenean blandit ligula a sapien egestas, ac dictum ante fringilla. Integer euismod id lectus ut laoreet. Etiam vitae egestas tellus. Aenean ac lorem nunc.
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Fusce sit amet ornare nisi. Nam viverra hendrerit tortor. Nulla volutpat ipsum vel hendrerit blandit. Donec fermentum volutpat metus, sit amet posuere dui bibendum et. Aliquam sapien nulla, efficitur et porttitor at, finibus ac ligula. Ut nec dictum erat. Mauris efficitur orci neque, sed mollis purus malesuada id. Maecenas cursus non enim ac accumsan. Pellentesque a auctor odio, eget rhoncus dui. Pellentesque accumsan finibus sodales.